Robert Beizer

Robert Beizer
Bob has been involved in local Community Theatre since high school. He initially worked backstage doing lights and sound. By college he was appearing on stage at Montgomery County Community College as Peter in Edward Albee's THE ZOO STORY and as Galileo in Bertolt Brecht's GALILEO. He received his B.A. in Theater and Mass Communications from Temple University and attended the M.F.A. Directing program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne campus. Since college he has continued to work backstage, act, stage manage and direct at local theaters as diverse and geographically separate as Studio Y Players, Spotlighters of All Saints, ActorsNET of Bucks County, Langhorne Players, Playmasters and The Players Club of Swarthmore. He has also been seen (or not) in industrial films and landed on the cutting room floor (unceremoniously) as an opera audience member in the feature film "The Age of Innocence".